What is P2P lending and how does it work?

P2P Loan & P2P Lending

Crowdlending is sometimes called P2P, P2P Lending, Marketplace Lending or P2P Loans. Despite the different names the meaning is the same – crowdlending is where private individuals or institutions lend to projects that require funding, without any bank involvement. In exchange, they receive a return on their investment, hence the name P2P, which means peer-to-peer. […]

Let the lending battle commence

battle commence

Peer-to-peer lending is rapidly winning over small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Spain. Innovative platforms are reducing the dependency on traditional banks because they have more agile lending processes and technology equipped to meet the needs of entrepreneurs. Peer-to-peer financing has been hugely successful in the US and in the UK. Now with more platforms […]

Evento Inversiones Alternativas con La Bolsa Social y MytripleA

Resumen Evento Inversión

Ayer 10 de Mayo se celebró el evento #InversionesAlternativas organizado por AFI, Escuela de Finanzas, La Bolsa Social, plataforma de Crowdequity, y MytripleA, plataforma de Crowdlending. En primer lugar agradecer la presencia de todos los asistentes que a pesar de la densa lluvia que había en Madrid, se acercaron a conocernos en persona. La ponencia […]

La compañía, fundada por los hermanos Jorge y Sergio Antón, ofrece diversos productos de financiación para empresas, como el ‘factoring’, los préstamos o la opción de ‘compra ahora, paga después’. Leer articulo completo..