Three reasons to invest in Spain’s peer-to-peer lending market

peer to peer lending market

Sergio Anton, co-founder and CEO of MytripleA, explains why Spain is ripe for peer-to-peer lending (P2PL) and how MytripleA has got a foothold in the Marketplace.

Growing number of SMEs

SMEs are the backbone of the Spanish economy and represent 74% of private sector employment and 85% of newly created jobs. Spain has a diverse range of SMEs, from retailers to technology companies, and its people are passionate about supporting local businesses.  

However, Spain’s SMEs remain dependent almost exclusively on bank financing and, since the financial crisis, this has become increasingly difficult to obtain. Beset with political pressure, traditional banks prefer to arrange a smaller number of larger loans to optimize their administration costs. Even if loan applications are approved, the bank process is incredibly slow.

The Government is trying to stop this reliance on banks and is promoting alternative financing mechanisms. There is a growing trend towards alternative finance such as crowdfunding and support for new funding initiatives along with legislation to protect investors. This is creating the foundations of a more stable economy that will protect the future of our SMEs.

Spanish economy begins to thrive

While Spain has recovered slowly from the financial crisis and remains a couple of years behind the UK, its GDP is expected to grow by 3.1% in 2015. Spanish people are starting to feel more optimistic about the future of the economy and are willing to start new businesses. Existing business are looking to grow for the first time in years.


Support for P2PL

SMEs can only support small loans in comparison to larger companies and this means that fully automated P2P lending platforms are required to lower administrative costs significantly in comparison to traditional banks. This is why SMEs are embracing P2PL, as it bypasses lengthy processes and adapts better to the SMEs financial needs.

P2P business lending across Europe grew by 272% between 2012 and 2014 according to Moving Mainstream, The European Alternative Finance Benchmarking Report. The UK dominates the market with a large number of online platforms. While P2P business lending is relatively new in Spain it raised €13.7 million in 2014 up from €0.6 million in 2012 and it is expected to triple in 2015.  


MytripleA advantage

Through MytripleA we provide an effective source of funding for SMEs, enabling them to obtain capital from a pool of online investors. MytripleA is the first and only P2PL platform regulated as a payment entity in Spain. We really understand the regulatory environment and local market issues. This is crucial because compliance is complex.

Since April 2015, platforms entering the Spanish market cannot operate until they obtain a new license, as well as the payment entity license, which may take years and no European passport is applicable. MytripleA is in a privileged position. Having already obtained a license as a payment entity we can continue to operate while applying for the new license.


¡Muchas gracias por leernos!



La compañía, fundada por los hermanos Jorge y Sergio Antón, ofrece diversos productos de financiación para empresas, como el ‘factoring’, los préstamos o la opción de ‘compra ahora, paga después’. Leer articulo completo..